Suggest a fact-check

If you see a publication or a post on the Internet that makes you question their veracity/accuracy, you can suggest that we do a fact-check using the form below.

If the information meets the criteria for fact-checking, we will try to check it

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What is the information that you want to be fact-checked?
Please provide a link to a source where you see that information
Perhaps you have already managed to gather information that can help with the fact-check
To contact you in case we have additional questions
To contact you in case we have additional questions
By filling out this form, I consent to the collection, processing, systematization, storage of my personal data by the operator of the PF "International Centre for Journalism MediaNet", Further — PF ICJ MediaNet,

PF ICJ MediaNet,, undertakes to use the data obtained solely for the purpose of identifying, investigating and fact-checking the proposed material. The collected personal data will not be placed in publicly available sources or transferred to other third parties, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Personal data collected within this form will be destroyed no later than 1 year from the date of receipt.